How to change loop chords?

yurii-b wrote on 4/20/2023, 3:53 PM

I was looking for a program to quickly arrange songs. And came across this video:
I was glad that I found what I needed and bought the premium edition for my sister. But I can't change the chords! For example, I can't choose major or minor. For the root, I can only choose 7 notes, but there are 12! The main feature I paid for is missing! This is a joke? Why would anyone want a music maker that doesn't allow you to change chords? How do I get my money back now? Please, help!


SP. wrote on 4/20/2023, 4:35 PM

@yurii-b These are not 7 notes but 7 tonal variants (based on the chords of the C major/A minor key (C major, d minor, e minor, F major, G major, a minor, B major)). With this you can build songs in C major, A minor or in the 7 modes of the C major scale (Ionian, Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian, Mixolydian, Aeolian, Locrian).

With the pitchshifting feature you can pitch the loops up or down and, for example, change C major to C# major or D major. With the vocal tune effect you can also change the loops in more detail. It doesn't only work with vocals. Do this once to a loop you want to change, then export the changed loop so you can easily drag and drop it back into your projects.

This will give you a lot more different options to create songs in different keys.

With a free sampler VST like Big Fish Audio Momemtum you can also pitchshift or modify the loops very easily to get different variants in a very short time.

yurii-b wrote on 4/20/2023, 4:52 PM

@SP. please tell me how to export the chaged loop.

SP. wrote on 4/20/2023, 5:16 PM

@yurii-b First of all, make sure you can see the pitch bar at the top of the project. In case it isn't visible please check under the View > Arranger menu if it is enabled. With the pitch bar you can easily pitch shift the loops.

If you want to export a changed loop, so you don't have to repeat the modifications each time, you can set the yellow loop bar to its start and end point (you can also use the magnifying glass icon in the bottom right corner of the arranger window to zoom your view to the selected loop in a fast way). Set the track to Solo mode (in case you have more than one track with loops at the same time) and then export the project via the File > Export menu. Select to only export the region between the start and end markers. Select a folder and export the loop.

You can then use the internal file manager or the Windows Explorer to drag and drop the audio loop into your project.

David-Barselow wrote on 10/21/2024, 12:20 PM

Hello SP, in this statement how do you match each pitch level with each scale. I'm working on a Dorian scale G major and a diminished 5b (Not sure I got that right). your input would be well appreciated.

SP. wrote on 10/21/2024, 1:50 PM

@David-Barselow Inside the Soundpool folder are small files called description.xml or bpm.inf. This is how the program determines which number equals which chord. These files can be edited in a text editor.

I'm not sure what you mean with Dorian scale G major and a diminished 5b.

Do you simply use the D Dorian scale for your melody and want to use a G Major based loop in the background? That should work fine, without any clashing notes. If you want to use a G Major based loop, but with a flat 5, you need to edit your G Major loop in the vocal tune effect, but this sadly only works for monophonic loops, which only play a single note at a time. It cannot split up the chords. For this you need something like Melodyne.


But maybe you are taking about something different? D Dorian uses the same notes as C Major. If G is the root note of the scale it is G Mixolydian. These scales should work fine with the included loops.

The G Dorian b5 scale has a Bb and a Db instead of a B and D compared to the C Major scale. This would need editing of the loops.