
gandjcarr wrote on 8/20/2012, 12:14 PM

Hello Carolyn,

I can't see any reason why it would not be possible using Web Designer MX.  Setting it up to work how you want will take a lot of time and effort, but I don't see any technical reason why this would not work.  Where you are likely to run into problem is with your hosting account.  You are going to need a lot of disc space with your hosting provider to have content for 100 artists with 30 images each so you are going to need to calculate how large those images will be, etc. to determine how much disc you need on the host.  If each artist wants a custom "home page" look and feel you are going to have to figure out how to build that as well.  Managing and maintaining such as site would also be a consideration as things could change from artist to artist and you must have some process in place to manage the changes.

Impossible, no, difficult, challenging and time consuming, yes unless you want to hire someone to manage the site or you have the time to do it yourself.

Good Luck,


gandjcarr wrote on 8/20/2012, 12:23 PM

Hi Carolyn,

I have done this for a few clients, and I must tell you that it is very time consuming so if you are going to do it yourself, be prepared to spend a lot of time.  If not, go out and see if you can find someone to manage if for you and get pricing information from them before your send them any money.

I don't do this any longer for new clients because it takes so much time for so little revenue, but I do know a few people who still do it if you are interested.


Idealist wrote on 8/23/2012, 3:12 AM

Hi Caroline,

I have a project with more than 3'000 pages and 1 to 10 images on every page (may be 10'000 images totally) and different textblocks on every page, and some effects like popup-windows, iframes for "inner-pages" (a page which is displayed within the normal page an can be handled independently), menus with submenus, optical effects (e.g. bring the page in from any outside position), links to other pages within your project or to other projects, display videos, display externel files (like pdf-files), use audio-files, use animated pictures and animated text (like scrolling textlines)  and so on, a.s.o., a.s.o...


And all this with few simple fingertips!!


My project needs less than 1 GB on the server with a good picture-quality and to modify a page is done in minutes. If you don't manage your own internet-server, you need a provider and some provider will spend you free space (depends on the provider).


I'm sorry, but the responses from George are not so objective. I am using Web-Designer since version 6 and upgradet it to version 7 and now to version 8 (version MX) with absolutly no problems. I am a simple enduser with no knowlegde of HTM-programming and I am not an employee of Xara or Magix and I'm not "motivated" from anyone to write you this answer. (except from myself)


To your question: it is possible! and it is my recommendation.


gandjcarr wrote on 8/23/2012, 4:52 AM


Based on the comments from Idealist my comments must not have been clear.  I actually did say it could be done, I was simply trying to point out the challenge of dealing with 100 artists or "clients" who have different and changing needs. 

The clients that I still do this for tend to want changes made immediately, change their mind often, etc. building the site would not be all that difficult.  Managing the artists and their requests could be incredibly time consuming.

As for my objectivity, I nothing to gain or loose from whatever decision is made.  I am just a user here and have no vested interest in the outcome.