How do you solve inability to burn a DVD-R using downloaded music via Magix Slideshow Maker?

abeandliz wrote on 6/25/2012, 5:04 PM


The error reads as follows:


26/06/2012 7:55:02 AM.734:   Step 6 of 6
26/06/2012 7:55:02 AM.734:   Used burn options:
simulation: off
DiscAtOnce: off
BurnOver: off
BurnProof: on
FormatDisc: off
ShortLeadOut: off
NoDefectMgmt: off
26/06/2012 7:55:02 AM.734:    Booktype: don't care
26/06/2012 7:55:02 AM.734:   setting write speed to 11080000  bytes/sec
26/06/2012 7:55:02 AM.734:   this equals 8.000000x DVD / 62.811790x CD Speed
26/06/2012 7:55:02 AM.734:   Check on previously direct recorded session...OK
26/06/2012 7:55:02 AM.734:   -- Volume mounted --
26/06/2012 7:55:02 AM.734:   -- Recording on "D: MATSHITA DVD-RAM UJ-841S" --
26/06/2012 7:55:02 AM.750:   -- Medium is "DVD+R" --
26/06/2012 7:55:02 AM.750:   -- Manufacturer "MBI 01RG40" --
26/06/2012 7:55:02 AM.765:   AVSDK Message - INFO: :Recording volume ...
26/06/2012 7:55:02 AM.765:   AVSDK Status - Begin operation Recording 508464 sectors/frames
26/06/2012 7:55:02 AM.765:   AVSDK Message - INFO: :Recording -> writing data ...
26/06/2012 7:55:03 AM.390:   wrote LeadIn, start DataCopy
26/06/2012 7:55:13 AM.265:   AVSDK Message - ERROR: :Cannot write to disc -> Power calibration or program memory area update failure (SK/ASC/ASCQ 03/73/03)
26/06/2012 7:55:23 AM.406:   AVSDK Status - End operation Recording 508464 sectors/frames
26/06/2012 7:55:23 AM.421:   AVSDK Message - INFO: :Recording failed, refer to previous error messages for more information
26/06/2012 7:55:23 AM.421:   !!! AVSDK error: BurnToDisc() calling AvVolWriteToDisc(): 202 - disc is not writable !!!
26/06/2012 7:55:23 AM.421:   Step 6 done
26/06/2012 7:55:23 AM.421:   !!! DBK error in CBurnDevSupportPoint::BurnToDisc(): 220 - disc is not writable !!!
26/06/2012 7:55:23 AM.421:   ------------ done ----------------
26/06/2012 7:55:23 AM.421:   project burning failed
26/06/2012 7:55:23 AM.437:   !!! DBK error in CBurnDevSupport::BurnProject(): 220 - disc is not writable !!!
26/06/2012 7:55:23 AM.437:   !!! DBK error in BurnProject: 220 - disc is not writable !!!

Did manage to burn a DVD-R without music though from the pack.

What is the problem?




john-auvil wrote on 6/26/2012, 9:18 AM

This isn't really the support department, it's a user-to-user area. I am pretty sure none of us are able to decipher the error.

But you are saying that this is a DVD-R when in the error it is saying that it is a DVD+R...

26/06/2012 7:55:02 AM.750:   -- Medium is "DVD+R" --

I am not sure if that would cause the burn to fail. My guess is that there is either data already on the disc or possibly, the firmware and or the burn routines for the software need an update.

Firmware is the divers for the burner itself, in your case "MATSHITA DVD-RAM UJ-841S" so it might be you need to search for Matshita website for any firmware updates.

The Burn Routines would come from the Magix support page, under downloads and tools.

Still, if this is truly a DVD-R you are using, and the burn information is seeing it as a DVD+R, then clearly that would be an issue.

abeandliz wrote on 6/26/2012, 3:03 PM

Thank you very much for the response. And for having de mystified that error message! It must be the DVD format and/or updates required for the burner. Will look at this today.

Initially thought it might have to do with the music but tried to overlay the Slide Show with an I Tunes recognised registered song - and it still didn't work. 
