How do you remove Wireless Mic Pops and Crackles?

ClubKahuna wrote on 2/24/2009, 11:57 AM
I shot a sports training video in HD using a mono wireless sony mic.  The sound was clear until I walked about 10' away from the camera.  I tried several frequescies, but the sound of the video contains pops and crackles.  I have Movie Edit Pro 14 Plus and looked at the Audio Cleaner but I am looking for direction.

Goal: Remove or reduce high pitch pops and crackles in video.



siglersmalz wrote on 3/13/2009, 3:43 AM
If you right-click the audio track (usually track 2) you will see audio cleaning (Shift-W).  You should be able to clean up the sound there.

If you need more, MEP 14+ comes with Magix Music Editor 2.0.  You get to it via your "Start" menu.  It is an external editor, however, so you may need to do some work to get the sound track exported to it and then imported back into your movie in MEP.

For example, you may be able do "File - Export Move - Export as MP3 file"; pull the resultant MP3 file into the Music Editor; fix up the sound then drag-n-drop the MP3 file back into MEP (track 3).  With that you would have the original sound track and the processed version.  I have no idea if that process would cause an out-of-sync issue because I've never done it.

Good luck,
