
Bexter wrote on 6/29/2011, 10:47 AM

I find, personally, that if you right click on the sound you have recorded and pull up the sound editor then all you have to do is go to EQ at the top and figure out what frequency the sound is on. (So the little levers that you can move...pull them down one at a time until the hiss stops-leave all the others up and take that one down) that's how I get rid of hiss. I hope this helps you :)

Procyon wrote on 6/29/2011, 4:53 PM

No offense intended, but that's a little like painting someone's portrait with a two inch brush.  Sure you'll lessen the hiss, but you'll lose a lot of the good stuff along with it.  MAGIX has provided other methods that are a little more precise.

On the offending object, go to...

(Object menu) > Advanced options > Edit with external editor (CTRL+SHIFT+A)

The object will open in the Music Editor.  Then go to...

Effects (menu) > Dehissing

This will open the Dehisser.  It still does a type of filtering, but the effect should be a little less severe than using the EQ.


However, the best option is to figure out why you're getting hiss in the first place and then eliminate it.