How do you get a web site up & running at Magix??????

gbyorkie wrote on 10/19/2012, 5:27 AM

As a follow-up to my question 1st asked yesterday 'How do you get a web site up & running at Magix??????  Thanks George for your answer, but the 1st page is 'index' and as I said it's live on my main Hosting site using the same uploaded files, but when it comes to Magix - nothing.

When I first went into the file manager in the control centre & open 'manage FTP storage' - nothing, empty, but for a folder called WebFTP/ which was also empty.

I created 2 folders inside the WebFTP folder, uploaded the pages to 1 of them & the pictures to the other as I had done with the other Hosting package- the one that works perfectly & got nothing. All the pages are listed as htm files & the pictures as jpeg. etc as they should be & as they are with the other site, but I still get 'Web site under construction' when I try to view it.,

Any more ideas would be most appreciated. Thanks.


Former user wrote on 10/19/2012, 7:26 AM

Question: do you habe a domain or only the free sub domain?

Your free subdomain (default for FTP) points to the root of your FTP webspace.
If you already uploaded your website (with index.htm as startpage) to the root (and not to a subfolder) your website should appear.

How to assign your domains to FTP folder:

How to publish:

