How do you get a web site up & running at Magix??????

gbyorkie wrote on 10/18/2012, 11:23 AM

I have Xtreme Web designer 5 & have created a site of about 28 pages but when I upload it to Magix-nothing just a message saying 'site under construction'. All the pages are there in html as are the pictures, but no site.

I do have the site up & running elsewhere but I wanted to see it up at Magix after they say 'it's easy' to get online. OK so what am I doing wrong, I've uploaded it using their in-built FTP and also using Filezilla - this works fine with the other site, no trouble at all, but nothing with Magix.

What folders/files are you supposed to upload to at Magix as I don't seem to have any? 

Any Ideas please?


(Using Windows 7 & Xtreme Web Designer 5 on a Dell comp with 4gb ram)


gandjcarr wrote on 10/18/2012, 2:38 PM


Your files and folders should be wherever you export the site to when you "publish" your site.  You also need to be very careful about the name of your home or main page.  The name needs to be "index" without the quotes.  It cannot be "home", or "main" or anything else, it needs to be "index".

Good Luck