how do I turn off the webcam input and then turn on video streaming through the grabby interface?

grabby69 wrote on 1/30/2011, 6:05 PM

I have a Video Grabby which works on my Dell PC using Windows XP.

The PC is a little ancient and I have thus moved on to a new Dell laptop which runs on Windows 7.


I seem to have successfully loaded the software on to the laptop, as I can start up the program.

The inbuilt webcam refuses to be closed and the only recordings that I can achieve are via the webcam.


I cannot initiate data capture from either my cam-corder or DVD player via a USB port.



1. Do I need an upgrade for Windows 7?

2. Have I got to alter some hidden parameters within the software?





Man o' Lakes wrote on 1/31/2011, 4:49 AM

Hi there,


which exact piece of software do you have from MAGIX.  Etiher Movies 7, not actually Win compatible, but might work, but NOT with the black grabby, or the Video Easy package. Confirm which you have please.


Cheers M o' L

grabby69 wrote on 2/1/2011, 11:26 AM

Thanks for your interest and swift response Man o' Lakes.


The Magix unit that I have is indeed black in colour and is called a Grabby Terratec. Its barcode number is 9500357518. It came with a sofware CD marked Video Grabster Series Grabby H1.


You have suggested that this black Grabby is NOT compatible with Windows 7. Is it therefore useless on my laptop? 


Your opinion would be most helpful.



Man o' Lakes wrote on 2/2/2011, 4:12 AM

Hi there.


Your product is not per se a MAGIX product. The Grabby comes from Terratec, if a MAGIX package, then you would have had the MAGIX software.  If you look on their website


It does not state H1. If that or the other is your model, then why not try out one of the drivers. The MAGIX device states MAGIX on it and will definitely NOT work on Win 7. However, with yours, there appear to be a couple of drivers you can choose from, unless your device is really old.  Hope it works, good luck, M o' L