
linda_ wrote on 1/10/2012, 10:12 AM

Have you looked at the site where you bought your domain name ?

 search for url redirect if you want your domain to point to your site if it's hosted at Magix.

Former user wrote on 1/10/2012, 11:18 AM

There a three ways:

1. Transfer your domain to Magix (this is easy and quite convenient)

2. Redirect you to your Website Maker website (to your Magix Subdomain)

3. Use the virtual Web hosting function
(If you publish your website you can choose "externally" (Publish dialog). Download the index.htm(l) file and transfer it to your external webspace (via FTP) of your domain.


If you purchased your domain from Magix it's quite easy. Choose this domain inside the Publish dialog.