How do I save the audio track after I ungroup it from the video c

ambertape wrote on 2/7/2010, 9:42 PM
I ungrouped the audio track from the video in timeline mode . How can I save just the audio track and if I do that, is the audio track of the original video still there ? Can I improve the audio track once it is saved in MEP Pro line making the audio track a little louder, add reverb ?

What is media pool and can I do anything with the audio track in media pool or do I stay in MEP 15 Pro and use the controls to improve the sound ?

Do I have to play the video and the audio ungrouped to save the audio track ?


asoeli wrote on 2/11/2010, 11:53 AM
 To save the audio track, go to File > Export movie, and then Audio as Wav or MP3. Audio and Video need not be ungrouped.
The original file, audio and video will never be changed, whatever you do with adjustments, deleting etc.
You can improve the audio on timeline in MEP, using f. i. the Audio Effects Rack, or do it in an external audio editor and lay it back on timeline.
 Media Pool is the Explorer, to the right of the monitor.
Read about these things in your handbook, you should also have a big PDF document on the PC.  I use MEP 14.