
feluraunt wrote on 3/28/2008, 12:49 PM
This would depend on a few variables. A lot of phones use the Bluetooth technology, the drawback is that the computer that you used to create the ring tone would also need to have the same Bluetooth technology to use that as a transfer capability. Which software are you using?

I know MAGIX makes a few titles that have the ability to export ring tones. Not all export directly to the phone because the manufacture and service provider of the phone do not always allow this to happen.

I found this in the database

The way the RingTone Maker software works is like this. Your phone must support one of the ring tone files listed below.

1. MP3
2. WAV
3. AMR

Your phone and computer must also support one or more of the transfer standards listed below.

1. Bluetooth
2. Infrared
3. Data Cable*

*NOTE - If your phone uses cable then the phone must have the instructions on how to use that cable with locating files or to transfer files to and from a computer. This could be browse or direct transfer, depending on the phone manufacture and model.

If cable is used then you export the ring tone from the software in the format that is supported by the phone. If you have a phone that supports DLA or Drive Letter Access it will allow you to export directly to the phone or a folder that the phone places on the computer for transfer. If you phone does not support DLA from cable then your phone will have to browse the computer for the file you exported from the MAGIX RingTone Maker software.