How do I maintain the fades I created in the storyboard on PhotoStory CD & DVD 10 when using Slideshow Maker?

smbressler01 wrote on 5/16/2012, 2:03 PM

I am working on a school project and generated 500+ slides with fades, etc.  When I went to add select songs using Slideshow Maker all the templates delete the fades.  How can I preserve the fades I added?  I am using PhotoStory CD & DVD 10 on a Window 7 PC.  Any help would REALLY be appreciated.


cpc000cpc wrote on 5/16/2012, 6:18 PM


Sorry I don't use either PhotoStory or Slideshow Maker, but would suggest two different approaches to try as both products are advertised as being able to import video and audio in addition to still images:

  1. Do you fades in PS and export the result (in whole or in suitable sections) as a video and use the video(s) in SM to add your songs.
  2. Create your music track in SM using a copy of your slide show and them rip the audio off the DVD and import it back into PS with your original fades. It the duration of fades vary between programs you may have to make some final adjustments.

Also you may need to work in timeline mode rather than storyboard mode to make an alternate audio/video tracks available.

Hope this helps,




smbressler01 wrote on 5/16/2012, 8:28 PM

Carl - Thanks for the creative solution.  Since this is a 500+ slide presentation I am still seeking a more out of the box solution.