How do I get pics. to fit the length of music soundtrack.

GNER wrote on 5/31/2008, 8:40 AM
I want to add music to my slideshow without having to cut the music to fit. How do I get the music and slideshow to automatically end together. it is easy in soundtrack maker but I cannot see how this can be achieved with soundtrack. I understand that soundtrack maker will not allow music imports only those marked acordingly.


ralftaro wrote on 6/2/2008, 3:32 AM
One possibility that comes to mind is using the MovieShow Maker, which is the other wizard feature you can find in the "File" menu. This offers an option to automatically adapt a slideshow to the music length (with a song/audio file of your choice). You will have to apply one of the provided MovieShow Maker styles onto your slideshow, which I understand is not necessarily what you want, but you could just choose one of the more unobtrusive style presets and manually remove the elements you don't want afterwards. Maybe this is what you're looking for.