
ralftaro wrote on 5/20/2009, 7:47 AM

I guess you got two different options: Either you actually trim down the video further to get below the 10 minute mark (or whatever is required by YouTube at the moment) or you just export the project in two junks. If you're really asking about basic trimming/cutting operations, see below for a little guide. If you want to export two junks, you could do so by enclosing the first part (e.g. 7 minutes) within start and end marker and using the "Export movie" function for the desired target format (e.g. WMV). Make sure to tick the "Only export selected range" option in the export dialog. Repeat the procedure for the remaining part of the video.

If you want to remove part of a video clip/object, this is how it works:

First you need to split up the video clip/object in question, isolating the part you want to remove. You definitely should operate in the timeline mode for this, as it's the only mode that allows for comfortable and accurate positioning and cutting. Now, place the cursor (= the play marker) at the beginning of the part you want to remove and make sure the object/track in question is selected. Press the "T" key on the keyboard to split up that object at the cursor position. Repeat this procedure for the end of the part you want to remove: Place the cursor and press "T". Now the original clip/object is separated into three individual objects. The one in the middle is the part that you want to remove. Select it with the mouse pointer and press the "Del(ete)" key on the keyboard to remove it. You can close the gap in between the left and righ object now by holding down your left mouse button on the right-hand object and dragging it to the left until it snaps onto the left-hand object. Done.

Whatever way you decide to go, I hope the information above helps.