
ralftaro wrote on 7/3/2009, 8:12 AM

You can use the split function (hotkey "T") to slice up your audio object into separate objects and then just delete and rearrange segments as desired. Just load the audio file into one of your Music Studio tracks, select the loaded object, position the cursor line at the point where you want to have a split (e.g. the beginning of the part you want to remove) and hit "T". Move the cursor to the end of the section you want to remove and press "T" again. You can now select the segment in the middle by itself and delete it (e.g. Delete key). Close the gap by moving the right-hand object to the left.

Hope this gives you a better idea as to how to go about this kind of thing in the program.

Keep in mind that all your editing is purely virtual and you haven't actually touched your source audio file by following the procedure above. If you want a proper audio file back that reflects your changes, you need to mix down your project again via the export option in the "File" menu.

I hope this helps.