How do I copy part of a DVD recorded from TV?

RobbieRotten wrote on 9/2/2008, 2:53 PM
I have imported a file from a DVD recorded from Freeview by a Panasonic DVD recorder.  I want to put this on to a new DVD having taken off the unwanted start and end portions.  I have edited the file however when burning to DVD the resulting picture quality is "blocky" although I have not (as far as I know!) reduced the bitrate. The video also stops periodically although sound continues.

The aspect ratio of the file is recognised as 4:3 however it was recorded in widescreen and should be 16:9.  If I reformat the movie as 16:9 it looks fine on the computer monitor but attempting to burn it as 16:9 results in a squashed TV picture on a widescreen display.  If I burn it as 4:3 my Sony widescreen TV automatically goes to a "zoom" setting although it can be manually changed to widescreen giving correct aspect.  I note that the top line of the imported video has markings at the left half (outwith the TV display area) and wonder if this is some sort of code to tell the TV what aspect ratio to select. If so perhaps the TV is being confused when these appear on the burnt DVD?

The files have a VOB extension, the DVD having been finalised. It was originally recorded on extended play which gives 4 hours recording on a standard DVD.