How do I convert m4p to mp3 from Magix?

cdtanaka wrote on 1/9/2008, 4:47 AM
Unable to convert ITunes m4p to mp3 using the Magix Software. When I click on the ITunes folder then the Artist, the song doesn't appear. However, when I lookin the Windows Explorer, the song appears as a m4p. How do I import the m4p from WINExplorer to Magix then to a mp3?


ralftaro wrote on 1/18/2008, 6:42 AM
M4P is a protected format that is subject to digital rights management regulations. It cannot be converted to an unprotected format like MP3 for legal reasons. The newest version of Magix MP3 Maker supports playing and converting Apple's unprotected AAC files (M4A). However, for the reason pointed out above M4P is just a no go.