How do I change the default time for showing the title on the Title? Mine is 5 seconds and always returns to that. Also when you use Apply to All, I would think that the title time would be changed on all the titles?

vh2useps wrote on 9/15/2010, 6:34 PM

How do you change the default time on title editor for the time the title is show?  Mine always come back to 5 sec .  Also why does Apply to All, not change time time on all the titles?


john-auvil wrote on 9/16/2010, 1:31 PM

I will assume you have version 9.


I always use the Time-Line Mode for these programs, so you might want to switch from Story-Board to Time-Line. I double left click the title and it opens the title editor, in this dialog next to Animation, it shows the length, I change it there.


I hope that helps.