How do I burn multiple projects onto one DVD

garnert wrote on 9/26/2010, 11:19 AM

We recently dicovered all of my late fathers slide collection. After sorting out the rubbish I have made 20 individual slide show projects that have been saved on Magix PhotoStory on CD and DVD version 9.


I would now like to burn ALL of these projects onto a single DVD, as the files are not too big.


I've tried finding out how to do this in the instructions, but there is no explanation.


I would really like to put all the projects together with a menu at the beginning, but only have 2 menu templates on my version and once I have burned a project I am told that I cannot use the DVD again and have to insert a blank one. 


Can anyone help please?


john-auvil wrote on 9/27/2010, 7:44 AM

This is how I would do it. First, I would want to determine the order I want the projects to play out. This way if I were to playback the DVD, it plays back in the order I set them.


I load the first project. Once I have this project loaded, I am going to load the next project by going to 'File', 'Open'...


Here, down at the right corner, I changed it from 'Projects and Slideshows' to 'All Files', then navigated to the folder which I have all the projects. I then select the next project and press 'Open'.


This prompts me with a message that is asking me if I want to Delete the current project or add to the current project. I select add as I want all the projects available. I will do this again and again until all my projects are loaded. When you switch to 'Burn', you will note each project is its own chapter.


<<note>> if once completed with the loading of projects and you decide to save, understand you will be overwriting the first loaded project, if this is ok, then save. If you still want to keep them as individual projects, you should go to 'File', 'Save as...' to save this combo project with a new name.


I hope this helps.