How do I burn a continuous loop video?

tcurran wrote on 3/5/2009, 12:24 PM
I created a video from pictures (looks like a powerpoint presentation).  It is about 14 minutes long.  When I view it in the program, I view it as a continuous loop (not sure if that's the right terminology), it keeps playing over and over again.  I would like to burn it to a DVD, so that when I put it on the TV (in the DVD player) it keeps playing over and over again automatically.  Is there a simple way to do that?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks in advance!


siglersmalz wrote on 3/13/2009, 3:05 AM
This function is setup in the Burn menu.

Double-click the move object to open the "Menu entry properties" dialogue box.  In the lower right-hand corner, you'll see "Action at the end of the film".  The last option is "Play film as an endless loop".

Good luck!
