How do I add sub menus to my DVD project?

abomb wrote on 7/29/2008, 3:57 PM
Can anyone help?  I set my band's lastshowup and a movie and all went fine, untill I decidedto add the stills as a "bonus feature." Every time I tried to add a submenu all it did was change the menu I already had there. If anyone can help I'd appreciate it, Magix makes a nice software package, but instruction is no where to befound.


ralftaro wrote on 7/30/2008, 2:14 PM
Hi there,

I believe the problem here is that the function you're using is not really designed to accomplish what you're actually trying to accomplish. Movie Edit Pro supports two levels of menus in the DVD-authoring stage. The first level is the movie/disc menu that would list all the movies that are on the disc (often just one). The second level of the menu structure would basically list chapters for each movie. In the DVD-authoring/burn stage of the program, you wouldn't be able to introduce additional content into your project. You would just decide for a DVD layout and what menus you want to display (no menus at all, just the disc/movie menu or two levels of menus).

If you wanted to have an additional "bonus" part on your disc that contains e.g. a slideshow made from still photos, this would translate to an additional movie in your project, which in turn would result in an additional entry showing up in the disc/movie menu of your disc (not the 2nd level sub menu).

Here's how to create a project/disc with multiple movies:
Start up the program and use the "New movie"/"Load movie..." options in the "File" menu to either create new movie or load movies from your hard drive (if you've already created them previously). When you have one movie open and you try to open the second one (either as new movie or by loading it from the disc), you will be prompted whether you want to close the first movie or edit a multi-movie project. You should pick that you don't want to close the first movie. This will switch the program to multi-movie mode. When opening/loading more movies to be added to the same project, you won't receive the same question again, as the program already is in multi-movie mode. You will be able to switch around between the different movies in your project via the "Window" menu or a drop-down box underneath the preview monitor.
Now, when you go over to the CD/DVD Editor, you will find that there's one entry in the main DVD menu for each movie in the project, including the possibility to have entries for chapters in each sub menu (chapter markers need to be added in "Edit" mode).

I hope this helps.