How do i ad a song to an arrangement without changing the tempo of the new song?

lurid28 wrote on 3/6/2009, 3:47 PM
I have music maker 14 producer edition. I am trying to make an arrangement with some different songs I have. I really don't want the program to change the tempo of each song so that it matches the arrangement tempo. Is there a way I can just drag and drop a new song into the arrangement while keeping all of its original characteristics (such as tempo)? Thanks for your help.


NoTurning wrote on 3/6/2009, 8:43 PM

This is an unfortunate and ANNOYING issue with Magix. I guess they know better than you what to do with your music and thus FORCE a tempo change when you drag and drop. You can go back in and change the BPM of the sample but you get to guess what it was originally. That's the only work around I know of - I don't know if you can prevent this. This is a throw back from their mod tracker days.

Why write audio editing software if we can't edit our audio? That is one of many reasons why Magix just can't compete in the pro audio arena.

I hope someone has a fix for you,

ralftaro wrote on 3/19/2009, 8:54 AM
Hi guys,

I wonder whether this might help you: If I understand the problem situation correctly, what you're referring to is actually a feature of Music Maker that can be disabled in the program settings. Just press "Y" on the keyboard in Music Maker and switch over to the import tab. Untick the checkbox that says "Automatically adjust samples to BPM (timestretch)". This should do the trick. Your imported samples will no longer be adjusted to the existing arrangement.

I guess if you prepare some kind of arrangement from entire songs, changing this setting would definitely be in order. In this case, even just taking off the tick from the "Apply also to samples longer than 15 sec" checkbox should do the trick. Maybe the "Automatically adjust waves to pitch" checkbox is also involved, but that one is usually unticked by default anyway.

Well, I hope this helps.