how can i split a large (275 photo's) project into 3 slideshows?

judesymonds wrote on 6/29/2010, 10:41 AM
my project keeps freezing 'memory failure'.  i've been told i should have a project and then split this into slideshows of no more than 99 photo's. i have worked for ages adding music and effects etc. and will be disappointed to have to start again. can i split the existing project into managable chunks? or am i doing something dreadfully wrong that can avoid the same problem occuring in the future?


GPM123 wrote on 7/5/2010, 10:08 AM
hallo judesymonds and welcome

The best thing is to import the picture the right way from the begin of your work.

When you finished importing the 99 pictures you just need to use the following shortcut  "cntrl-alt n"

A dialog windows will pop up and ask you if you wnat to close the current slideshow or not.
Do not close it.

Once you tell the software not to close the current slideshow the timeline will be empty again and you can import another 99 pictures.

and so on untill you 've imported all of the picture

You can switch from a slideshow to another just by selecting it in the slideshow box  located under the preview screen.

For the current project I suggest you to export it as a video.

In order to start the export process clic on file/export/export movie as Magix Video(or something like that, a'm italian and so i have just the italian versions of the magix products, nontheless  their translation of the buttons should be similar to mine)

Once you created the mxv videofile of your project you will have to start a new project in which you will be importing the mxv file instead of the original pictures.

Doing so, you will consistently  decrease  the amount of memory the program needs and so be able to finish your work.

I hope i've been clear enough (my english is not the best you can find around here )

For any questions feel free to contact me.
