How can I make one whole clip into seperate scenes or objects?

storyboarder wrote on 7/16/2009, 10:31 PM
I got a Magix Movie EditPro12. But up to now I can't use it. I think this software is for advance learners only. It's much easier for me to use Windows Movie Maker which I think is best for beginners. The reason I'm saying this is just to let you know.

For example, nowhere in your video tutorial that teach how to cut one whole clip into seperate objects, so that I could edit them by putting transitions and text for each chosen objects or scene or whatever.

If you could teach me how, then I'll begin using Magix. Thanks.


massi04 wrote on 7/17/2009, 3:10 AM
Hi storyboarder,

your user name might give me a clue: Call youself timeliner and work in the timeline. That will make things easier in the future.

Right click on your clip in the timeline and perform scene recognition. After this step you could use all the features you mentioned above.

Hopefully, this might help you start.