How can I make a chronologic photo / text list that can be updated?

jakob-waffender wrote on 6/7/2018, 3:11 PM

Hey there, I have a question regarding web designer premium: Does anyone know how I can create a list of text / photo elements, where I can add new content without destroying the chronological order? I want to make a photo gallerie, where photos, together with a short text are listed one above the other. The newest photo should be on top, the oldest one at the bottom. And if I want to add a photo, I want it to be on top of the list, followed by the second newest and so on. Does anyone know how to create such a list, where I can constantly add new content? Thank you for your help!


james-hunter wrote on 6/13/2018, 10:36 AM

Hey there Jakob.

This is an excerpt from the help files that may give you the capability that you need.

I created a text box which would need to be lengthened for height as required. then anchored the picture to a certain point in the text. I then just add the next set of descriptive text to the top of the text box and repeat the procedure for the picture.... over and over again.

I found these instructions in the 'search tab' of the help files.

Good luck.


Begin excerpt.___________________________________________________________________

Anchored Graphics

You can position any graphic, or group, so it's tied (anchored) to a position in some text, so that as the text moves because of editing, the graphic object will move to remain at the same relative position. However anchoring should only normally be used for objects that sit outside the margins of the text (eg. A photo sitting to the right or left of a text column), or behind the text. Use Embedding for objects that sit within the text bounds (see below).

The quickest way to anchor a graphic or group is to right click it and choose the Anchor to text option. However, if you also want to edit anchoring properties, you can right click on the object and select Repelling & Anchoring to display the Text repelling & anchoring dialog.

Click the Move graphic with text checkbox.

By default Move vertically only is also selected, so that your anchored graphic will only move vertically as the text is edited. This is usually the most useful option – if you want the object to track the anchor position horizontally as well, embedding the object is usually a better option.

An anchor symbol appears in the top left of the object, indicating it's now anchored.

Using either the Selector Tool or Text Tool, click and drag the anchor symbol so that a red arrow appears.

Move the arrow head and drop it in the location in the text where you would like the object anchored. A red caret (inverted 'T' mark) indicates the anchor position.

As you edit the text around this caret mark, the anchor point and anchored object moves with the text.

An anchored object displays an anchor symbol and an arrow pointing to the anchor point, shown as a red caret mark.These disappear as you type, unless you're close to the anchor point.

Note: If you drag the anchoring arrow to a place on the page where there is no text, the arrow turns into a red anchor that indicates the object's anchoring properties will be lost if it's dropped here. This also happens when the arrow is dropped on the object itself.

However note that the anchored object will not move outside the area of the page as a result of the anchor point moving. The anchored object will only move up to the edge of the page.

End excerpt ___________________________________________________________________


jakob-waffender wrote on 6/17/2018, 6:10 AM

Thank you for your help! I will definitely try it out.

jakob-waffender wrote on 6/17/2018, 6:25 AM

james-hunter, that was exactly what I was looking for, thank you very much!