How can I get maximum screen resolution in a slide show for DVD?

Porkynoh wrote on 4/27/2011, 3:06 PM

I have built a slide show using images in size from 18 - 22MB, to show on a TV in 16:9 format using a standard DVD player.  The resulting TV resolution is not good -- much poorer than I would have expected, using hi-res originals.  I would like to know how to get the best possible resolution on the TV.  If there is a great deal of compression in the Magix program, I would like to know what image file size I should be using for my show.  Obviously, there is no reason to build a show using 22MB images, if the Magix program is going to compress them down to a small percent of that size.

Thank you!  Danke! 


cpc000cpc wrote on 4/27/2011, 5:06 PM



'Standard DVD' has a resolution of 720x576 PAL and 720 x 480 NTSC

You can't do better than that unless you go Blu-ray 1920 x 1080. The only control you have is the amount of compression done when encoding your project to mpeg format. I don't have Photostory, but in Magix Movie Edit Pro there are advanced settings including a 'Quality' slider which should be at its max, and 'bitrate' which should be as high as you can. How high is limited by DVD disc space (higher bitrate = bigger files) and the fact that some DVD players can't deal with values above say 8000.


I don't think there is any harm in using you big images. There is a reason they should be bigger than DVD sizs though, as you need extra pixel info for rendering smooth transitions etc.


What version are you using? MEP is up to 17+. Another GoPro site: says '... Magix Movie Edit Pro ($89) : This one is new to us and we really like it. What it appears to do is when you import your HD footage, it makes a lower resolution copy for editing purposes. Then when you render out, it renders from the HD real file. Make editing faster.' This is 'Proxy' editing which is often discussed but I'm unaware of it being actually incorporated into MEP.




yvon-robert wrote on 4/28/2011, 9:15 AM


the problem you try to use to much quality photo to display on TV. If you need a blu-ray picture the maximum size must be 1920 x 1080 pixels and 120 dpi. If you need SD size is 720 x 520 or 720x x 480 depends PAL or NTSC and 72 to 96 dpi. Use Magix or any paint program to reduce the picture size and save it with another name to keep your original.

Also you can use automatic size reduction inside the software but the algorithm build in software generate sometime curioius result better to do yourself the work than thinking done automatically.
