Hi, I am new.....can you help please?

RayGuselli wrote on 11/22/2008, 9:08 AM

I have been aware of magix for a while but have been using another program with an easier interface....but which is notorious for its unreliability.  Magix looks excellent.

I want to view the tutorials but they do not load when I select them.  I have the boxed version, they are installed but will not open at all.

Magix is not even shown as an option to view them with if I try to view via explorere.

Tried with the disk in and the disk out....still no joy?

I also received two disks with Magix Pro 14 plus but have loaded only one.

Put the second in and it simply wanted to reload or unisnstall Magix...???


With best wishes


Since writing this I have captured 1 hour of Hidef video.

It shows no extension to the file but states it is MPEG4 even though I did not ticj box for it to capture as such (Expecting AVI)

The hi-def video will not play???


Man o' Lakes wrote on 11/25/2008, 5:10 AM
Hi there,

many questions, but here's a simple starter. Pro 14 Plus is all on the one disc, what the other one is should be stated on the disc.
The tutorials you find via the Windows start button, all programs, Magix, then MEP14. Under documentation, you should see  your manual.

That should get you started.

M o' L