I get an error "No global memory in MyAllocGlobalPTR for type 31" and am looking at a jpg file. It then keeps shutting down the program. What can I do to fix this. It is frustrating... has happened about 10 times, and the programis < 2 hours old.
. . . . error "No global memory in MyAllocGlobalPTR for type 31" and am looking at a jpg file . . . .
The error message indicates that the jpg file may be an unsupported or unusually encoded jpg image.
What is the source of the image?
Download and install MediaInfo analyse the image causing the issue and post the results, if you are not familiar with MediaInfo, see this tutorial on how to setup MediaInfo and analyse the image - the process is tha same as analysing a video as shown in the tutorial.
John, This is for EVERY picture I try, regardless of the jpg image. It seems there is more than this more than the problem you define above. And even if it is an issue, why does it shut the program down everytime.... that is soooooo frustrating.
Without the MediaInfo analysis which John asked for we are still going to be guessing! Please help us to help you by answering requests for additional information. Thank you.