Getting the site up and running?

lovelylady wrote on 5/5/2008, 12:05 AM
Ok, it must have been a year, so now I am ready to publish my site. But I don't see the publish button anywhere. Also, I want to buy my domain and I push the button to "add additional domain names" and I see if my domain available and I get a price for the domain and one email box, but does this includes hosting? How do I publish the site? Again, I don't see the button. So, just please let me know like talking to a five-year, what is my next step for my site to be online and running. Thank you for any help.


ralftaro wrote on 5/6/2008, 3:14 AM
The "Publish" command is located in the Website Maker menu. You will find that when you're in the actual Website Maker editing interface and click on the little downward arrow in the upper left-hand corner of the Window, above the "Save" command. That will open the drop-down menu. If you've never been in there, you might want to adjust other settings there that are relevant to your website.

The domain hosting prices (per month) for the different hosting packages are outlined right in the first step of the domain registration process, when you click on the "Register additional domains" button in the Website Maker Control Center. So, you will have that monthly fee plus the one-time setup fee. The hosting fee is always calculated for a year. If you have the "Deluxe" rate of the Website Maker, the domain name is already included in your price.

Are you suggesting that you're having problems finalizing the domain registration process? In this case please make sure that all your personal information is filled in. Go back to your address data and double-check.

I hope this helps.