Getting Photostory on CD & DVD 10 to play on TV

hillwalker wrote on 10/23/2011, 1:57 PM

I purchased Photostory on CD & DVD 10 as I wanted to be able to play a slideshow of my photos with music and various transitions on the TV. I have managed to achieve this on the software on the computer, but when I burn this to DVD and play it on the TV all I get are the photos with no music and no transitions. Can anyone tell me what I need to do to get the music and variable transitions to play on the TV?



Peterman wrote on 11/8/2011, 3:12 PM

Hello. I had a similar problem with my first dvd. I solved it by buying a new (cheap) dvd player. Turns out some of theolder machines don't handle DVD-R,s that well.