Get Creative, Girls

MAGIX_Editors wrote on 2/1/2013, 4:38 AM

We will be focusing on two topics throughout the month of February: Creativity and Girls – or rather women of all ages. For some people the combination of these topics leads to a rhetorical reflex to reduce an interesting conversation into a gender related issue like ‘who is more creative – women or men?’ That is not our approach. Instead, we have asked what role technology plays in the daily routine of women? We asked women about their work in digital creativity and how computers influence their personal lives and hobbies. And, of course, if working with computers has opened up new creativities possibilities or curiosities for them.

We asked different women with varying jobs from many countries questions about their uses and interests in technology. We wanted to know from them, what significant part technology plays in their lives. Of course, we also asked what their favourite kind of creative work is and how computers and MAGIX might play a role in their interests. It comes as no surprise that the answers were as multifaceted as the women.

Despite all the differences of the participating women, we were happily surprised by their enthusiasm for the cause and interest in active participation. This is of course evidence that the world is changing and everyone is adapting in their own way to advances in technology. Twenty years ago, professional roles in technology were dominated by men. Today, we see the disproportions fading.

As a result of better technologies and increased focus on intuitive user interfaces, women (and men) are now better able to comfortably express their creativity, digitally. This is now done through photos, videos, and music. You can read more about the roles that MAGIX plays in digital creative expression on
Youtube, Twitter, and Facebook.

We wish all readers – male and female- fun with our very special February, in which we take a deep look at #creativegirls. Also, if you are a creative girl and would like to participate, then please send us a picture of yourself together with a sentence (max. 140 characters) to
before February 25, 2013.

Best wishes from Berlin Team


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