Failed Video uploads

mertek wrote on 5/9/2009, 3:58 AM
I'm trying to upload an MPG file to my slideshow area on my website. This has worked with few problems (one only during a system upgrade) for six months. Normally a white screen indicates that the file is being reprocessed at MAGIX, then after a while the proceesed file shows up. Last night and this morning I uploaded this file 3 times and the system seemed to react nornmally but the file has never appeared in any of my folders.

Is there a problem at Magix, or is there a data limit in an individual folder which I don't know about?

Thanks for any advice.

ANSWER: since I can't answer my own question, having, I think found the solution, i'm using the "edit question" option.

My file WAS uploading, however as it was being uploaded to a Video Player in my website it needs to be reprocessed to FLV before it can be displayed. The combined file size of the original and the reprocessed file exceeded the capacity of my website allowance so the system simply dumped it.

As far as I know there is no graphic or other way to know what the status of your website capacity is.

There are several ways to enter the "Upload file" areas, however only one of those I tried told me my website capacity was at its limit. I have removed some content from my site and now the file is being processed.

Comment: I'm pleased with my website, however I think the Magix site is very badly in need of rationalisation. There are far too many dead ends and multiple accesses. Just getting to the Knowledge Centre takes about four page jumps. As for that picture of the lady with the bulging eyes, plump lips and microphone, just who is she? I've found no way I can actually contact anyone at's a bit like a store without assistants. If you want to buy socks or have a complaint, ask another customer!


ralftaro wrote on 5/12/2009, 11:25 AM

Not sure what the problem you were experiencing was about. Sounds like it was possibly just of temporary nature. Just quickly two points: You can see how much space you have used right after logging into your Website Maker "Control Center". There's an indicator that shows as a little graphical bar as well as in numbers how much space you have and how much you're currently using. If you want to contact Magix directly, you can do so on the support website:

Within your Website Maker account, there's also a simplified contact form in addition. Maybe this will come in handy in the future.

ralftaro wrote on 5/13/2009, 4:28 AM
You're welcome.

I guess the concept for this here is not really to be a forum that relies on a back and forth of replies. It supposed to be a user-driven knowledge database, not unlike "Yahoo! Answers" and other similar platforms. The initial poster can add information by editing the original message, but there isn't really supposed to be a lot of interaction. Good or bad, that's the concept of this platform. :-)