Extremely suspicious....

Modslave wrote on 8/16/2021, 5:15 PM

Hi there I bought Acid Music Studio Pro 10 back in 2017, I thought I still had it installed but all that was on my PC was a folder for it.

So I came and redownloaded the product, my account was fine to get into and my purchase was there, so I installed everything but Acid Music Studio 10 WILL NOT launch no matter what I do. Music Maker....and some MAGIX Performance Check & Tuning (Which looks like spyware to me so that's getting removed) were also installed as part of my download and Music Maker launches just fine but appears to just be a portal to ask me to spend more money than I've already spent and the product I bought doesn't work.

Your support articles don't seem to cover this either, which seems odd to me. I am on a brand new PC I just built two months ago that is an I7-9700 with 64GB of RAM so its not my hardware, just for some reason your software doesn't appear to want me to use what I bought, it wants me to use something that pays you more money and I find this to be unsatisfactory....so I'd like a solution.


Graham-Hawker wrote on 8/17/2021, 12:39 AM

This is a user forum so we didn't write any support articles. It looks like you have the free version of Music Maker. It has a shop attached for buying additional stuff or downloading stuff you already have if necessary. I have no idea what is happening with Acid Music Studio.