The last few times I've tried to export a movie to 29fps mpeg 1920x1080, it's failed halfway through with a dialogue box that just says "Canceleed due to Error Code". There is no error code specified.
The video I've been exporting (compiled from source files 29fps 1920x1080 from my Samsung phone) is saved up to the point where it bugs out and appears to play fine. It just stops at the random place the export was cancelled. There does not seem to be a consistency as to when it cancels - it can be in the middle of a clip, at the end of a clip, and at a random time - one was 5:30 into the video, one was 10:35.
The software does not crash as part of this process. When I "OK" the error dialogue, I can continue as normal.
There is nothing unusual about the video clips I'm using - they're mostly video clips from the same phone I've been using for years, and which never presented any problems until very recently.
It appears that if I cut the project in two in the editor at the point of cancellation, each resulting half-project will export completely, with no errors.
I have over 200GB free on both the drive where my clips are stored, and the drive I'm exporting to.
Any ideas would be more than welcome!