Encoder Settingse

eustonstreet wrote on 11/14/2011, 8:08 PM

Hi, can anyone tell me if the DVD Encoder Settings are locked on the trial version? I have tried changing the settings to improve the quality of the output and I can see the estimated size of the DVD increases as I woud expect. But when I burn a disc it reverts back to default settings which in my humble opinion is pretty poor quality. 

I'm not going to purchase PhotoStory unless I can see what the best quality settings look like once I've burnt to DVD on a TV.


Appreciate any comments. 





dizpark wrote on 1/20/2012, 4:27 AM

I am not so sure that the DVD encoder settings revert back to some kind of locked defaults in trial version.  How do you see/check that?  Which settings are reverted back?  Or are you saying that you increase the bitrate and quality to max, but the output is still soft?  In that case, I believe it is the anti-interlace/antiflicker filter at work.

Read this thread:


It is about movie edit pro, but with respect to DVD encoding it is exactly the saem as in Photostory. In short, you have to unckeck anti-interlace(flisker surpression) filter, to get sharp DVD output.