Editing a scene out of a movie to use later

Dougie24 wrote on 12/29/2008, 6:27 PM
Okay, Here is what I am trying to do:
I want to take a movie that is on my hard drive, edit one scene out of it to use it in a PowerPoint presentation.  I can't figure out how to edit this one scene out and save it.

Another problem:
I've imported the movie, but the playback is herky jerky (stop/start/start) and the audio doesn't match up the the video.



webguy wrote on 12/30/2008, 3:42 PM
With the movie on the timeline place the start marker at the beginning of the scene and use the razor blade under the viewer to cut the scene. Then place the marker at the end of the scene and cut again.
You can delete the previous footage on the timeline before the first cut and the excess footage after the second cut to leave only the clip and export it.

If the sound is not in sync, use CTRL + M and seperate the audio from the video, slide it in place where it is in sync again. It probably got out of sync during the import.
Another way to cut the scene:
You can place the start marker at the beginning of the clip and the end marker at the end of the clip and FILE/EXPORT that section making sure to select "Only export between markers" in the export box.