Details of Movie Edit Pro 15's chroma-keying features?

lingyai wrote on 10/21/2009, 2:16 PM
Hi, I am having trouble finding a user's manual while I am thinking of buying this product. Does anyone know if it   a) works with green screens as well as blue ones? b) has a colour chooser, so you can specify which colour to key out?  c) allows you to create garbage mattes (masks), whose dimensions and loactaion on the screen are adjustable?


massi04 wrote on 10/21/2009, 3:06 PM
Yes, all these features are included. You might find more useful information here:

Sorry, I have only the Docs in German...
ralftaro wrote on 10/22/2009, 12:00 PM
Hi there,

You can find a PDF manual here:

A free trial version is also available on the website. That will enable you to actually check out the chroma-keying functionality in Movie Edit Pro.

Just in a nutshell: Yes, MEP does support both blue and green screening, but it's not possibly to freely choose a color for chroma-keying.

I hope this helps.