Detailed instructions for a green screen effect Movie edit pro 15

bd1000 wrote on 5/22/2009, 7:34 PM
Hello, I am a complete beginner to Magix, and I would like to know how to create a greenscreen effect.My backgroung is'nt all one perfect color, so I would like to know how to work around that.
Thank you,
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siglersmalz wrote on 5/24/2009, 8:16 PM
Green screen, blue screen and Chroma Key are all synonym terms.  I searched the forum and found this thread:

I'm sure you could find more information, too, if you search using those terms.

You may have to register to pull the link up, but I believe that forum has a guest mode, so hopefully you can get right to the thread.

Good luck
RedEclipse wrote on 6/12/2010, 4:07 PM
When you say your background isn't all one perfect colour, do you mean the  fabric that you're using? If so, it's vital that it's one even colour. Go to a fabric store and buy a piece that is relatively bright in colour. Green is the easiest to work with because it usually contrasts better with other colours.
Also iron the fabric so that there are no wrinkles. Wrinkles will cause unwanted shadows.
When I work with the green screen I actually have it stretched tight and clamped in place and it's still tricky to get perfect lighting. Having said that, I will also note that the lighting you project on the screen is vital. Any shadows that fall on the screen will affect the end result and your ability to fade out the green using the "fade" and "threshold" controls. And if it's too bright it will become too white also affecting your ability to work with said controls.
Your lighting also depends on how much movement you're making in front of the screen. If you're just lecturing and staying relatively still it's not too bad, but if you're moving around a lot your lights must be strategically placed to prevent shadows.
All told, it's a tricky process that takes some experimenting with. Your camera settings are another thing that will affect the colour; like white balance for instance. You want the final video to have a nice vibrant background image that stands out from your foreground image colours. If it doesn't, then some of your foreground colours will fade out with it.