Delete contacts

wnsbas wrote on 7/12/2008, 4:29 PM
I need to delete contacts. I read this post:

But when I access the permissions dialog, I do not have the icon that the post refers to. Why can I not see the icon to access the "Communicator"?
 (I am using Website Maker Easy, not Deluxe)


ralftaro wrote on 7/16/2008, 5:06 AM

It would appear that the "Communicator" link is no longer available, probably because the MyGoya Online Desktop that it was part of is no longer under development and basically an obsolete project. As far as I can see, if you really needed to get one of the contacts from the list, this is what you would have to do: Go to the website and sign up for a MyGoya account, if you don't happen to have one yet. Since you already have a Magix customer account, the signup procedure will be really quick and easy. Check for the confirmation e-mail and log into your account. Once you're in the online desktop interface, you will be able to use the contacts management facility to delete a contact from your list.

That said, it is not necessary to properly remove a contact from your internal MyGoya/Communicator contact list in order to withdraw their permission to access a password-protected page on your website again. In the user administration dialog, you just need to move them from the right-hand list of privileged users back to the left-hand collection of all your contacts again.

I hope this helps.