creating a webpage and publishing from a zip file

Donald-Jones wrote on 1/21/2019, 8:47 AM

I have a zip file (created for me) containing a design for a webpage that I want to use but also needs a little editing before being published. The page is in html format and is responsive. I have never done anything like this before and don't know if it is possible to import it into Web Designer Premium for use. Any help would be much appreciated. I am trying to start a non profit and that is what this page is for and I am on a tight budget.

Thank You,



emmrecs wrote on 1/21/2019, 9:47 AM

Hi, welcome to the Magix forums.

Web Designer is a program to create web pages "from scratch"; essentially you create the page(s) as you want it/them to appear on line (the "design" phase) and WD "converts" ("publishes") them to html etc. files, which can then be uploaded to a server for others to view as a web site.

From what you write, it appears you have been given a .zip file which contains all those html etc. files, but NOT in a format which can be imported to WD. It needs each page to be in its "design" format; the files in your zip file are already in "publish" format, ready to upload to your server. I know of no easy way to revert those files to their "design" phase.


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