Converting 45 rpm to 78 rpm

moremoose wrote on 1/23/2009, 3:31 PM
I'm surprised this question has not come up before.

I'm converting some rare records to .WAV files by recording and processing them with MAGIX Audio Cleaning Lab 12. The records are 78s, but my turntable only runs at 33 and 45 rpm.

I played the records at 45 rpm, then used the Resampling/Timestretching command in ACL 12 to speed up the recordings to the proper speed.

In the Resampling/Timestretching dialog box, there are separate sliders to control Time factor and Pitch (half-steps). Since 45 divided by 78 is 0.57692, setting the time factor at that number will result in a conversion of the proper length.

However, that still leaves the question of where to set the Pitch slider. By trial and error, I have determined that raising the pitch to 8.6 sounds right. But why? How would I arrive at this number mathematically?

I can't be the first person to have had this problem, and I'm surprised these numbers are not posted somewhere easily accessible.


NoTurning wrote on 1/23/2009, 7:52 PM

You sound like a numbers guy - the clear answer to your question is: statistics.

Of all the users on this site; a vast majority are not ACL users - from that minority, many are not doing what you do with records. Those who are may not have the limited ability to play records at only 33 or 45. By the time you widdle it down - there is only a small number of people actually in need of the information. They may not be as savoy as yourself in solving this. You are doing a service by posting this information here.

You should create a workshop in the Knowledge and Workshops area and also join the Music Maker tips and Tricks group and post your findings there. You discovered a lack of information that you are uniquely able to provide.

Thank you,