Content Packs

vimsta wrote on 9/27/2008, 12:56 PM

Ive downloaded those 4 content packs from the Magix website, they didnt take too long which is good, about an hour for all four of them, not bad eh.

Anyways my question is, how do they install?

All I get is errors:
''An I/O error occured while installing a file. This is normally caused by a bad installation media or a corrupt installation file.''

If its corrupt, whats it doing on the Magix website? Or is there another way round it?




Horror wrote on 11/10/2008, 9:54 AM
Hi there -

I/O errors are usually occured during failed methods of data transfer.  So, the only thing I can think up of at the moment, is that sometime during the download process of the four content packs, an outside variable was conflicting with the data-reading process.  When all the data isn't there on the package on your HDD, it then sends a red flag, marking it as corrupt (which it is, since there is a loss of data).

I know it sounds reallly confusing (I wouldn't believe it if I saw it either) which is why I took the liberty of searching for you.
