"Contact Us" page doesn't contact us anymore.

join2zenyoga wrote on 9/20/2012, 2:24 PM

I made my website(www.zenyoganacupuncture.com) with website-maker and I got domain and website on yahoo. The last page of my website has "Contact Us" page for getting requests from customers. Once customers filled the request form and click the "send" button, it is delivered to my yahoo email(info@zenyoganacupuncture.com) that is intergrated. It had worked fine until about 3month ago. The requests from my "Contact Us" page able to be sent to somewhere(missing), not delivered to my email anymore. I have called to yahoo but they said they can't help because it is the website problem. Please check and help me to fix it as soon as possible.   


nihon94 wrote on 9/20/2012, 6:55 PM

On websites I had read about such problem and they say, an attempt to restrict spamming, Yahoo requires all PHP mails to specify a from: and to: address that is in your own domain.

You can read about this posting here:http://wordpress.org/support/topic/wp-contact-form-not-working-on-yahoo-hosting user name:rainangel. But this is complicated you can get confuse. Therefore, I think the other one give you an easy explantion under the heading Sending mail to remote addresses blocked?                   . http://myphpform.com/php-form-not-working.php

I have also sent you a message from your Contact us form for testing, hope you don't mind.

Additional: at the end you wrote "Please check and help me to fix it as soon as possible".  As this is a place where user share knowledge and help each other therefore, I do not think that kind of help is possible unless someone access your website and check the Contact Us for codes or help you as mentioned in the URL link given above.


Here is an announcement from Yahoo I do not know may be this is the cause of your problem.

According to Yahoo.

Yahoo! Small Business has begun the transition from FTP connections to FTPS. This transition only affects you if you are using a third party program, such as Dreamweaver or iWeb, to publish your site.

At this time, you can continue to connect using FTP or you can make the move to the more secure FTPS. In September 2012, we will decommission the ability to connect using FTP and will only support FTPS connections.

For more information about the switch to FTPS and what steps you need to take to prepare yourself, please see our FTPS help pages.

Please note: If you are using Yahoo! SiteBuilder or Yahoo! Site Solution, this change to FTPS does not affect you and you do not need to take any action.

Link to the above news.



gandjcarr wrote on 9/22/2012, 3:03 PM


Nihon94 is right, and especially if it is the changes in yahoo mail, you might just be better off setting up a email account with one of the free providers like Google or MSN, set that as your email address for the web form, forward the mail from that account to your yahoo accounts but keep a copy of the message on the server of your new email, that way you can check it just in case your messages do not come through.  It is sometimes easier to go around a problem than to fight with companies like yahoo to help you slove the problem.

Good Luck

nihon94 wrote on 9/23/2012, 12:48 AM

Magix contact, go to Magix web choose your country then click on Help & Support


