Compatibility problem / Vita instruments ?

TenFingers wrote on 7/7/2008, 1:58 AM
I am Magix Midi/Audio Studio fan since "2000", made hundreds of songs with it and I intent to make some hundreds more with it.

Problem is, I can't use my MS11 songs with MS12. I made a lot of "Audio instrument" tracks using SF2 format with hundreds of instruments and now I can't make my songs sound right.

Manual, on page 22. states that MS12 should be able to import sf2 format, but it doesn't say how to do it. All my experiments failed, too.

1) How can I use sf2 format in MS12?
2) Is there any way to use "Vita" for that? (No description at all in Manual)

Thank you.


ralftaro wrote on 7/8/2008, 8:03 AM
The main and primary problem here is probably not the SF2 support, but the lack of compatibility between the project file formats of the two programs, since they're based on entirely different engines, with your Midi Studio from MS11 being based on Logic and MS12 being completely based on Samplitude code. So, portability of your projects between these two programs will always be somewhat problematic. If you had any success with this so far, I guess you dumped the individual tracks as standard MIDI files from MS11 and imported those into MS12.

As far as SF2 support in MS12 is concerned, two options come to mind: The BeatBox plugin in the program support the loading of SF2 and you could also simply import SF2s as audio files (change file mask to all files and ignore header information), so that the entire content will be extracted onto an audio track. However, neither of these two options will probably help much with what you're trying to do. What I would recommend is a VST instrument plug-in that supports SF2 files. This could then just be used as a software instrument in MS12 and assigned to a MIDI track. There are several free and cheap options out there. You might want to try this SFZ:

I hope this helps.