It seems like this question has been asked before in different ways and I have tried all of the answers, so let me clarify what I have here. I have a video documentary on my MEP15+ that I'm showing to the public at an amphitheater. When I first did the program at 40 minutes my drivers crashed, causing alot of problems and I ended up losing everything. So I decided to redo the program into 7 "chapters" but really they were movie files so when I finished the project and got ready to burn the DVD I couldn't no matter how hard I tried, get the 7 parts to come together seamlessly without going back to the DVD menu to click onto the next part or "chapter". So PLEEESE is there any way to get all those 7 files into one seamless movie. asoeli meintioned using the ctrl/C & paste to place all my projects on one timeline but I couldn't seem to get this to work. Also for my future movie a 60-90 min film how do you suggest that I file the completed scenes so I can bring them back later and put them into there timelines seamlessly without this problem.
Combining movie files seamlessly
wrote on 10/13/2009, 3:04 PM