
asoeli wrote on 7/22/2009, 4:46 AM
In MEP you can have different projects up at the same time, as in different "pages". Like for instance in Word, where you can change between them with the key F6.
Load your first project, and then load a new one. You'll get the question "A film is still open. Would you like to close --- --- ". Answer "Don't close" and load your next project(s). Each project come on a new timeline. Now you can go to "Burn CD", and you'll get a Movie Menu with the different projects. A Chapter Marker (Shift/Enter) must be placed at the beginning of each project.
Or you can copy from one timeline to another with Ctrl/C or Ctrl/X and paste in at the end of the first one, with Ctrl/V, thus placing all your projects on one timeline.
Now each project can be marked with a Chapter Marker, if you want to have a Chapter Menu.

Hope this will help you !