Certain VITA Percussion Problems

Andre48 wrote on 8/26/2009, 1:54 PM
are the last few instruments in the VITA drum map working correctly for you guys? the last few dont make any sounds on any percussion setting and the castanet which is supposed to be a latin clicking instrument and a few others dont make the correct sounds. what is that about?? i dont wanna have to pay to download these instruments from somewhere else if magix has them. i'm using MM14 producer Edition. it was like that with the regular version of MM14 too.


ralftaro wrote on 8/27/2009, 12:34 PM

The drum view in the MIDI Editor basically just shows the entire GM (General MIDI) standard drum set. That doesn't mean that every VST in general and every Vita drumset in particular are actually offering every single drum sound that is possible under GM and that every sound will be assigned correctly. VST instruments tend to not strictly adhere to this standard. Basically, what it boils down to is what sounds any VST instrument you might be using is *actually* offering, not what options are possible in GM.