Can we use full screen viewing of images without Slide Show?

amer-shiraz wrote on 9/9/2017, 12:43 PM

Hi all.

Just downloaded the Magix Photo Manager for my Microsoft Surface Tablet PC. Its a cool, nice, great app with rich features.

I am basically interested in image management only which is sorting of a huge quantity of pics in many folders I have. I want to view (and delete where required) the many images I have. Can you please advise on following 2 questions :

1) I want to turn the Slide Show off and I want to move on the next photo manually at my own will.

2) I want to to move on to the next by swiping rather than using the tiny little arrow buttons on the bottom of the screen.

3) I want to delete a pic in full screen mode.

4) I want to delete a pic without 'delete confirmation'.

Thanks to all for your advice and help.


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