
chrisjw37 wrote on 12/3/2011, 2:28 AM

Older DVD players can't play CD-R discs - especially Toshiba as I found out.


try it on someones newer machine, failing that the £25 one from Asda (Wal-Mart) plays them just fine.

/Sticks tongue out to Toshiba

chrisjw37 wrote on 12/22/2011, 11:20 AM

Going to need A LOT MORE information to help


  1. What happens?
  2. What settings did you use?


  • Does your TV DVD player actually play home made DVD/RW' discs?

My posh Toshiba does not, my cheap Asda (Wal Mart) player does.


C'est la Vie

robbo36 wrote on 2/12/2012, 7:26 PM

Hi, try:

1) make your slideshow.

2) Before you burn to DVD disc, check settings to see if you are using NTSC or PAL

3) If you dont know which one to use, then try both.

hope this helps