Can PhotoShow Deluxe 10 handle 745 photos in one show

KatRob wrote on 6/9/2011, 1:41 AM

I just purchased PhotoShow Deluxe 10. In reading the .pdf document, it indicates I can only create videos with up to 100 photos. I have 745 photos that I need to run with in 15 minutes. Can this be done?  I have already loaded the photos in the program, and have not received the warning message the document indicated I would.  If I cannot run 745 photos in one show, can I imbed up to 7 shows in the first show.  I need them to run automatically and seamlessly.   There will be music included in the show.  I will be burning a DVD with the show.  The show will be running on a high school theatre's video equipment and played on a drop down screen.  Unfortunately, I need to have this working by Friday morning.  Thank you.


john-auvil wrote on 6/9/2011, 10:25 AM

I think the PDF is referring to burning to CD... since CD can only have 99 tracks.


I think with a DVD or if you're just exporting out as a file you are only limited to the amount of space available on the DVD or the drive it will play from.


It is really more about space then tracks now I believe, so you just need to make sure you do not exceed the space available on the disc or drive.